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Historical Events

1951 - "Make a Wish" closes at Winter Garden Theater NYC after 102 performances
1951 - "Courtin' Time" closes at National Theater NYC after 37 performances
1966 - Richard Speck rapes and kills 8 nurses in a Chicago dormitory
1974 - Sharon Miller wins LPGA Borden Golf Classic
1984 - USSR performs nuclear Test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR
2015 - Scientists from the Large Hadron Collider announce the discovery of a new particle called the pentaquark

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Famous Birthdays

1865 - Annie Jones, Virginia, bearded lady
1874 - Andre Debierne, French chemist/physicist (Actinium)
1919 - Lino Ventura, Parma Italy, actor (Happy New Year, Pain in the A--)
1930 - Polly Bergen, actress (Rhoda-Winds of War, Baby Talk), born in Knoxville, Tennessee
1963 - Bel Le Harper, NFL tight end (Atlanta Falcons)
1963 - Phil Rosenthal, American newspaper columnist

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Famous Deaths

1711 - Johan Willem Friso, Prince of Orange/(Nassau-Dietz), drowns at 23
1817 - Anne Louise Germaine de Staël, Swiss author (b. 1766)
1907 - William Henry Perkin, English chemist and inventor (b. 1838)
1968 - Westbrook Van Voorhis, announcer (March of Time), dies at 64
1995 - Michael Naylor, insurance broker, dies at 59
1996 - Kim Besly, activist, dies at 69

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