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It is her favourite show.
So no wonder Jennifer Lawrence was far from pleased when a big mouthed journalist let slip the dramatic conclusion of Homeland's just finished season at an awards show on Saturday.
The Hunger Games star prefers to watch the show in marathon sessions on DVD, and could not believe it when Access Hollywood’s Shaun Robinson told all as they chatted together at the Screen Actor's Guild Awards.
Spoiler alert: Shaun Robinson should wear one around her neck after telling a shocked Jennifer Lawrence what happened in the Homeland finale at the SAG Awards on Saturday
Spoiler alert: Shaun Robinson should wear one around her neck after telling a shocked Jennifer Lawrence what happened in the Homeland finale at the SAG Awards on Saturday

SPOILER ALERT She explained how Damien Lewis' famed character Nicholas Brody gets literally hung out to dry by the CIA, who let him get captured by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard despite succeeding in his mission to kill the organisation's chief officer.
But Jennifer will not be able to enjoy the tense moments leading up to his public hanging after Shaun inadvertantly blurted out the climax when starstruck Jennifer met the English thespian on the red carpet.
The Oscar winner said: 'I can't process this right now, I can't believe you said that. I said (I'd seen) first and second season! I haven't watched the third season!'

Spilling the beans: Shaun seemed to take great pleasure in telling the actress what happened
Spilling the beans: Shaun seemed to take great pleasure in telling the actress what happened

'I can’t believe you said that. I don’t even know what to say..
She then threw up her arms in disgust, add: 'I can’t. I have to get it together.
'I can’t even. It’s like past mad, it’s this weird other emotion … I feel like my heart just fell out.'
The television reporter cackled with glee when she realised what had happened, before she added: 'I feel horrible.'
Cackling with glee: But no doubt Jennifer felt like stringing her up after ruining her favourite show
Cackling with glee: But no doubt Jennifer felt like stringing her up after ruining her favourite show
The hilarious exchange reached it's crescendo when the American Hustle favourite landed a verbal grenade of her own, half-jokingly telling Shaun, 'You are a monster,' as well as insisting she would 'never forgive' her.
Shaun's shocker put the dampeners on a moment of sheer joy for the 23-year-old actress, who was delighted to meet the upper crust star.
The acting star pretended she was star struck when she saw the television favourite meters away from her on the red carpet.
She said: 'Somebody has watched two seasons of Homeland twice, and I’m freaking out a bit.'
Big moment: Oscar winner Jennifer could not believe she was meeting the former Forsyte Saga favourite
Big moment: Oscar winner Jennifer could not believe she was meeting the former Forsyte Saga favourite

Overcome with emotion: She turned her back on the actor as she tried to pluck up courage to meet him
Overcome with emotion: She turned her back on the actor as she tried to pluck up courage to meet him

Shaun then tried to win favour by drawing the 42-year-old over, which caused Jennifer to turn her back and exclaim, 'No, don’t look. Be cool, be cool!'
And she almost pulled it off, though she did could not prevent herself from declaring his show was the 'greatest ever.'
Just when it seemed she had fulfilled another wish, Shaun  told her, 'You know they killed him off?'
It certainly seemed to amuse the show's former star, who said: 'Don’t tell her, it’s a spoiler! No they haven’t, these two are crazy.'
Big moment: But her over-the-top performance came to an end when she embraced the ginger haired star
Big moment: But her over-the-top performance came to an end when she embraced the ginger haired star
Trading places: No doubt Jennifer would have liked to have swapped Brody for Shaun after she let slip
Trading places: No doubt Jennifer would have liked to have swapped Brody for Shaun after she let slip

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