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Attention was swiftly taken away from the glamorous swimming costume clad Una Foden on Saturday night's episode of Splash! As judge Andy Banks made a throwaway comment about dementia. 
When asked to mark the Saturday singer's dive out of ten, Andy, who is a judge on the show and diving coach for Plymouth and Great Britain, spoke thoughtlessly about the disease, which effects around 800,000 people in the UK.
His comment caused an outrage to Twitter users, who branded the use of the word 'a disgrace'.
Mistaken: Judge Andy made a comment about Alzheimer's which sparked complaints from viewers
Mistaken: Judge Andy made a comment about Alzheimer's which sparked complaints from viewers

In trouble: Andy was criticized on Twitter for this throwaway comment
In trouble: Andy was criticized on Twitter for this throwaway comment

When the Andy was asked to clarify his score for Una Foden, the judge first time around awarded a 7, then chose to correct himself by saying: 'Must be the alzheimers kicking in sorry, it was 7.5'
Deb Bradbury Walker was so outraged by the comment judge Andy made he tweeted ITV directly to complain: '@itv disgrace 1 of ur judges wud get their score wrong n when asked 2 confirm"it's my alzheimer's".U should all be ashamed.@TomDaley1994'
He also alerted the Alzheimer's charity tweeting: '@alzheimerssoc the splash judge tnite sayin sorry it's the alzheimers when he got his score wrong!!! Complaint made absolute disgrace!!!'
Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia, affecting 62 per cent of those diagnosed. Dementia describes different brain disorders that trigger a loss of brain function. These conditions are all usually progressive and eventually severe.
Preparing: Una Foden raises her arms in the air ready for her dive on Splash!
Glamour: Una Foden was credited for making Luton look like Las Vegas
Dressed to impress: Una Foden wore a gold-embellished swimsuit for her appearance on the show
Glam: Una looked amazing in her white patterned swimsuit
Another Twitter user Gerry Benison tweeted: 'Lets all reflect on the negative Alzheimers reference made by the judge on the TV programme #splash :) #stigma before it is forgotten.'
The comments came after the 32-year-old singer performed a forward tuck from the five metre board, earning her joint-second place in the leader board, alongside former rugby player Austin Healy, 40.
Judge Jo Brand was highly complimentary about fragile Una saying: 'You added some glamour in Luton the Las Vegas of Bedfordshire, extremeley graceful and I thought it was brave'

Stunning: Una certainly turned heads in her cream swimsuit
Saucy: Una did a little dance as she removed her robe

Making an entrance: Una blew a kiss at the audience as she geared up for her dive
Kisses: Una blew kisses to the audience before she performed her dive
The star, who was a child swimming champion for Ireland, said of her experience:  'I loved being back in the water - it brought back memories.’
Her dive was praised for its grace, with Jo Brand comparing her to a fairy, saying 'you were a charming little sylph.'
Leon Taylor was a little critical, saying that Una had over-tucked her knees.
Graceful: Una dives confidently and elegantly into the pool
Ready: Una made a good start to her dive
Challenging: Her dive included a tuck mid-air
Tuck: Una was given stick for not tucking in her knees enough during the scoring

Satisfied: Una seemed pleased with her performance on the show, which eraned her a score of 22.5
The blunder: Andy made the offending comment as he read out the wrong score for Una

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