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Historical Events

1814 - King of Denmark cedes Norway to King of Sweden by treaty of Kiel
1822 - Greek War of Independence: Acrocorinth is captured by Theodoros Kolokotronis and Demetrius Ypsilanti.
1914 - The Gandhi-Smuts Agreement is reached between Gen. J.C. Smuts and Mahatma Gandhi, regarding voluntary registration, poll tax, recognition of Indian marriages and other matters
1936 - L M (Mario) Giannini elected president of Bank of America
1957 - Kripalu Maharaj is named fifth Jagadguru (world teacher)
1969 - Matt Busby retires from Manchester United

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Famous Birthdays

1705 - Jean-Baptiste C Bouvet de Lozier/Lozier-Bouvet, governor (Reunion Is)
1903 - Veronica Turleigh, County Donegal Ireland, actress (Promoter)
1930 - Edgar Sergeyi Hovhanesyan, composer
1943 - Holland Taylor, actress (Bossom Buddies, Camilla-Naked Truth), born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1969 - Jason Kent Bateman, Rye NY, actor (David-Valerie, Hogan Family)
1986 - Cristina Aicardi, Peruvian badminton player

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Famous Deaths

1889 - Ema Puksec, Croatian singer (b. 1834)
1901 - Charles Hermite, French mathematician (e is transcendent), dies at 78
1908 - Holger Drachmann, writer, dies
1943 - Adolf Sandberger, composer, dies at 78
1981 - John O'Grady, Australian writer (Nino Culotta) (b. 1907)
1984 - Paul Ben Haim, composer, dies at 86

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