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Not long ago, the official pricing for the Oculus Rift VR headset was revealed. It will cost $599. On the other hand, another highly anticipated entry into the VR space comes from Valve and HTC. This will go up for pre-order on February 29, and it's been rumored to set you back a whopping $1,500. So you may be wondering where Sony's upcoming PlayStation VR headset (codenamed Morpheus) will be in terms of pricing. While we still have nothing official from Sony on that, no less than three different online retailers from Switzerland have listed it already. Oddly though, each of them has a different price for the device. They range from CHF 499 to 552.45. At the current exchange rates, that would be $497 to 550, or €455 to 504. If these prices even somewhat reflect Sony's plans (and aren't just random guesses by retailers eager to get some clicks and perhaps some pre-orders), then we assume the PlayStation VR will go for $499 in the States and probably €499 in the Eurozone. On the other hand, in a recent report originating in Taiwan about the HTC Vive, the PlayStation VR was said to cost $1,125 - so do take all of this with a pinch of salt. If Sony is close to finally releasing Morpheus into the wild, then hopefully it will reveal pricing details soon. Source | Via 1 • Via...

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