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1044 - The Battle of Ménfő takes place.
1189 - Richard the Lionheart is crowned King of England.
1253 - Mindaugas is crowned King of Lithuania.
1348 - Papal bull of Pope Clement VI issued during the Black Death stating Jews not to blame and urging their protection
1415 - Jan Hus is burned at the stake.
1483 - England's King Richard III crowned
1484 - Portuguese sea captain Diogo Cão finds the mouth of the Congo River.
1491 - Opening ceremony of Daitokuji's Shinju at subtemple
1495 - Battle of Fornovo, near Parma: French King Charles VIII beats Holy League
1560 - England and Scotland sign Treaty of Edinburgh

1573 - Pacificatie of Boulogne: new peace treaty with huguenots
1573 - Córdoba, Argentina, is founded by Jerónimo Luis de Cabrera.
1590 - English admiral Francis Drake takes Portuguese Forts at Taag
1609 - Majesteitsbrief: Emperor Rudolf II grants Bohemia freedom of religion
Vice Admiral and Navigator Francis DrakeVice Admiral and Navigator Francis Drake 1621 - Dutch gov-gen John Pieterszoon Coen takes Banda-islands, 15,000 die
1630 - Swedish troops under Gustaf II Adolf land at Peenemunde
1634 - Johan van Walbeeck's ships bypass St-Anna Bay, Curaçao
1641 - Battle at La Marfée Sedan: Earl Soisson beats French government army
1652 - Fire on Dutch Dam (Amsterdam's city hall burns)
1669 - LaSalle leaves Montreal to explore Ohio River
1673 - French troops conquer Maastricht as part of the Franco-Dutch War
1685 - Battle at Sedgemoor: King James II beats duke of Monmouth
1699 - Pirate Capt William Kidd is captured in Boston
1770 - Battle at Cesme: Russian fleet beats Turkish
1775 - Congress issues "Declaration of the Causes & Necessity of Taking up Arms," listing grievances but denying intent to be independent
Engrossed copy of the United States Declaration of IndependenceEngrossed copy of the United States Declaration of Independence 1776 - American Declaration of Independence announced on front page of "PA Evening Gazette"
1777 - British Gen Burgoyne captures Fort Ticonderoga from Americans
1782 - British-French sea battle at Negapatam (off India)
1785 - Congress unanimously resolves US currency named "dollar" & adopts decimal coinage
1787 - French government proclaims end to stamp/land tax
1787 - Orange troops occupy Area at Duurstede
1798 - US law makes aliens "liable to be apprehended, restrained, ... & removed as alien enemies"
1801 - Battle at Algeciras: French fleet beats British
1840 - Christian Hebbel's "Judith" premieres in Berlin
1848 - Mexican-American War ended with the Treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo
Abolitionist Frederick DouglassAbolitionist Frederick Douglass 1853 - National Black convention meets in Rochester NY, ex-slave Frederick Douglass attends
1853 - William Wells Brown publishes "Clotel", 1st novel by an African American
1854 - 1st Republican state convention (Jackson, Mich)
1858 - Lyman Blake patents shoe manufacturing machine
1862 - Skirmish at Devall's Bluff, Arkansas (106 casualties)
1863 - Battle of Williamsport, MD [-Jul 07]
1863 - Northern Territory passes from New South Wales to South Australia
1864 - Battle of Chattahoochee River, GA [->JUL 10] US730 CS600
1869 - Black candidate for lt governor of Va, Dr J H Harris, defeated
1882 - 14 Russian Jews from Bilu arrive in Jaffa, Palestine
1885 - Louis Pasteur successfully tests an anti-rabies vaccine
1886 - Horlick's of Wisconsin offers 1st malted milk to public
1887 - 4th Wimbledon Womens Tennis: Lottie Dod beats Blanche Hillyard (6-2 6-0)
Filipino Nationalist and Novelist Jose RizalFilipino Nationalist and Novelist Jose Rizal 1892 - Jose Rizal forms La Liga Filipina in Manila
1892 - Striking steel workers in Homestead, Pa, fire on scabs, killing 7
1892 - Dadabhai Naoroji elected as first Indian Member of Parliament in Britain.
1893 - The small town of Pomeroy, Iowa, is nearly destroyed by a tornado that kills 71 people and injures 200.
1894 - Cleveland sends 2,000 troops to Chicago to suppress Pullman strike
1903 - George Wyman arrives in NYC by motorcycle 51 days out of SF
1904 - Two Russian cruisers move into the Red Sea and begin to stop ships of Britain, Germany, and other nations they believe friendly to Japan
1904 - The US Democratic Party nominates little known New York judge Alton B Parker for presidential nominee - virtually assuring the election of Theodore Roosevelt
1905 - Alfred Deakin becomes Prime Minister of Australia for the second time.
26th US President Theodore Roosevelt26th US President Theodore Roosevelt 1908 - Robert Peary's expedition sails from NYC for north pole
1912 - Donald Lippincott runs world record 100m (10.6)
1917 - T. E. Lawrence captures port of Aqaba from Turks
1919 - British R-34 lands in NY, 1st airship to cross Atlantic (108 hr)
1919 - William Veeck, sportswriter, replaces Fred Mitchell as Cubs president
1920 - Yankees score 14 in 5th inning & beat Washington Senators, 17-0
1922 - Dutch auto/airplane manufacturer Trompenburg declares bankruptcy
1923 - 36th Wimbledon Womens Tennis: Suzanne Lenglen beats K McKane (6-2 6-2)
1923 - Rail crash on New Zealand's main trunk line; 17 killed and 28 injured
1923 - The Central Executive Committee accepts the Treaty of Union, signed in Moscow in December 1922, and the Russian Empire becomes the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
1924 - 1st photo sent experimentally across Atlantic by radio, US-England
1928 - 1st all-talking motion picture shown in NY (Lights of NY)
Soldier and Writer T. E. LawrenceSoldier and Writer T. E. Lawrence 1928 - Worlds largest record hailstone 1.5 lbs (7 inchs in diameter) at the time falls in Potter, Nebraska
1928 - 48th Wimbledon Men's Tennis: René Lacoste beats Henri Cochet (6-1 4-6 6-4 6-2)
1929 - St Louis has 2, 10 run innings & beats Phillies 28-6
1929 - 49th Wimbledon Men's Tennis: Henri Cochet beats Jean Borotra (6-4 6-3 6-4)
1931 - 35th US Golf Open: Billy Burke shoots a 292 at Inverness Club Ohio
1932 - 1st class postage back up to 3 cents from 2 cents
1932 - Cubs shortstop Bill Jurges is shot twice in Chicago hotel room by a spurned girlfriend, Violet Popovich Valli
1933 - 1st All Star Baseball Game: AL wins 4-2 at Comiskey Park, Chicago, Babe Ruth hits first All Star home run
1934 - 47th Wimbledon Womens Tennis: Dorothy Little beats H Jacobs (6-2 5-7 6-3)
Baseball Legend Babe RuthBaseball Legend Babe Ruth 1934 - 54th Wimbledon Mens Tennis: Fred Perry beats J Crawford (6-3 6-0 7-5)
1935 - 48th Wimbledon Women's Tennis: Helen Moody beats H Jacobs (6-3 3-6 7-5)
1935 - Rotterdam architect A van de Steurs Museum Boymans opens
1936 - 114°F (46°C), Moorhead, Minnesota (state record)
1936 - 121°F (49°C), Steele, North Dakota (state record)
1936 - A major breach of the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal in England sends millions of gallons of water cascading 200 feet into the River Irwell.
1938 - 6th All Star Baseball Game: NL wins 4-1 at Crosley Field, Cincinnati
1939 - German Nazis close last Jewish enterprises
1941 - NY Yankees unveil a monument to Lou Gehrig in centerfield
1942 - 10th All Star Baseball Game: AL wins 3-1 at Polo Grounds, New York
1942 - Anne Frank's family goes into hiding in After House, Amsterdam
1942 - Von Hoth' IV Pantser army fights with Voronezj
Jewish Victim & Diarist of the Holocaust Anne FrankJewish Victim & Diarist of the Holocaust Anne Frank 1943 - 2nd day of battle at Kursk: 25,000 German killed
1943 - US destroyer William D Porter [Willie Dee] launched
1944 - 170 die in a fire at Ringling Bros Circus in Hartford Conn
1944 - French General Charles de Gaulle arrives in Washington, DC
1944 - US General Patton lands in France
Preamble to the Charter of the United NationsPreamble to the Charter of the United Nations 1945 - Nicaragua becomes 1st nation to ratify the Charter of the United Nations
1945 - US President Harry Truman signs executive order establishing Medal of Freedom
1945 - Wash Senator Rick Ferrell catches a record 1,722 games
Comedian and Actor Lou CostelloComedian and Actor Lou Costello 1945 - Abbott and Costello's film "The Naughty Nineties" released featuring longest version of their "Who's on First" routine
1946 - "St Louis Woman" closes at Martin Beck Theater NYC after 113 perfs

Famous Birthdays

Birthdays 1 - 100 of 222
1542 - Elisabeth van Nassau, daughter of Willem/Juliana van Stolberg
1580 - Johann Stobaeus, composer
1632 - Albert Schop, composer
1632 - Pietro Reggio, composer
1638 - Gerrit A Berckheyde, Dutch painter
1668 - Peter Burmannus, [Pieter Burman], Dutch attorney/classicist
1678 - Nicola Francesco Haym, composer
1686 - Antoine de Jussieu, French naturalist (d. 1758)
1702 - Franz Anton Maichelbeck, composer
1739 - Freidrich Wilhelm Rust, composer
1747 - Coelestin Jungbauer, composer
1747 - John Paul Jones, naval hero ("I have not yet begun to fight")
1753 - John H Midderigh, Rotterdam patriot, baptized
1755 - John Flaxman, English sculptor (Westminster Abbey tomb stones)
1766 - Alexander Wilson, Scottish-born naturalist (d. 1813)
1773 - Wenzel Thomas Matiegka, composer
British Statesman and Founder of Singapore Stamford RafflesBritish Statesman and Founder of Singapore Stamford Raffles (1781) 1781 - Stamford Raffles, British statesman and founder of Singapore
1782 - Luis [Philippus] Brion, Curacao commander of Colombian fleet
1782 - Maria Louisa of Spain, queen of Etruria (d. 1824)
1785 - William J Hooker, English botanist/director (Kew Gardens)
1789 - Maria Isabella of Spain, queen of the Two Sicilies (d. 1846)
1793 - Jacob M de Kempenaer, Dutch lawyer/min of Internal Affairs (1848-49)
1796 - Nicholas I Pavlovitch, tsar of Russia (1825-55)
1800 - Marco Aurelio Zani de Ferranti, composer
1814 - Justus McKinstry, Brigadier General (Union volunteers), (d. 1897)
1817 - Albert von Kölliker, Swiss anatomist (d. 1905)
1818 - Adolf Anderssen, Prussia, world chess champion (1851-66)
1819 - Ernst Wilhelm von Brücke, German Physician and Physiologist, born in Berlin, Germany
1821 - Edward Winston Pettus, Brigadier General (Confederate Army), (d. 1907)
1832 - Maximilian I of Mexico and Archduke of Austria, first and only monarch of the Second Mexican Empire, born in Vienna, Austria
Emperor of Mexico Maximilian IEmperor of Mexico Maximilian I (1832) 1837 - Wlasyslaw Zelenski, composer
1838 - Vatroslav Jagic, Croatian scholar (d. 1923)
1852 - John Albert Delany, composer
1856 - Edward Anseele, Belgian minister of Rail/PTT
1859 - Verner von Heidenstam, Sweden, poet/novelist (Charles Men, Nobel 1916)
1864 - Alberto Nepomuceno, Brazil, composer/conductor (Artemis)
1865 - Emile Jaques-Dalcroze, Swiss musician (d. 1950)
1868 - Petrus A Euwens, Dutch vicar/editor (Amigoe di Curacao)
1868 - Princess Victoria of the United Kingdom (d. 1935)
1873 - Paul Keller, German writer (Ferien vom Ich)
1876 - Harry Ford Sinclair, founder of Sinclair Oil (Teapot Dome Scandal), born in Benwood, West Virginia
1877 - David Stanley Smith, composer
1877 - Niceto A Zamora y Torres, premier/president of Spain (1931-36)
1878 - Eino Leino, Finnish poet (d. 1926)
1881 - Josef Winckler, German dentist/writer (Quadriga, Pumpernickel)
1882 - Ralph Morgan, [Wupperman], actor (Creeper, Imposter, Jack London), born in NYC, New York
1884 - Andre Dunoyer de Segonzac, French painter/cartoonist
1884 - Harold Vanderbilt, NY, America Cup (1930,34,37)/inv contract bridge
1884 - Willem Dudok, Dutch architect (town hall Hilversum/Beehive Rotterdam)
1885 - Ernst Busch, German field marshal (d. 1945)
1888 - Annette Kellerman, Australian swimmer (Million Dollar Mermaid), born in Sydney, New South Wales
1890 - Andrew Sandham, cricketer (Test cricket's 1st triple centurion)
1892 - Baron Willy Coppens de Houthulst, Belgian WW I pilot
1893 - Wilton St Hill, WI cricketer (3 Tests 1928-30)
1896 - Thomas W McKnew, president (National Geographic Society)
1897 - Richard Krautheimer, art Historian
1898 - Hanns Eisler, German/US composer/German DR-minister for propaganda
1900 - Emil Barth, writer
1900 - Frederica Sagor Maas, American playwright and screen writer (d. 2012)
1903 - Axel Theorell, Sweden, biochemist, studied enzymes (Nobel 1955)
1904 - Robert Whitney, Newcastle-on-Tyne England, conductor (Sospiro do Roma)
1904 - Erik Wickberg, Salvation Army general (d. 1996)
1906 - Agnes Elisabeth Lutyens, composer
1907 - M C Frida Kahlo, Mexican painter and wife of Diego Rivera
1908 - Leonce Grass, Flemish singer/conductor
1910 - Dorothy Kirsten, Montclair NJ, soprano (Time to Sing, Chevy Show)
1911 - Laverne Andrews, American singer (Andrews Sisters), born in Mound, Minnesota (d. 1967)
1912 - Heinrich Harrer, Austrian mountaineer (d. 2006)
1914 - Jens Rohiner, composer
1915 - Marcel Quinet, Belgian pianist/composer (Vague et Sillon)
1916 - Unica Zorn, writer
1917 - Hugo Cole, composer
1917 - Hugo Yarnold, cricketer (Worcestershire keeper & Test umpire)
1917 - Arthur Lydiard, New Zealand running coach (d. 2004)
1918 - Bert [Lambertus H] Voeten, Dutch journalist/poet (Crossing)
1918 - Eugene List, Phila Penn, pianist/prof (Eastman School of Music)
1918 - Sebastian Cabot, actor (Mr French-Family Affair, Time Machine), born in London, England
1920 - William Worthington, horse trainer
1921 - Nancy Davis Reagan, [Anne Francis Robbins], US First Lady (1981-89), born in NYC, New York
1921 - Dmitri Polyakov, Soviet Major General and Spy for the CIA, born in Ukraine
1922 - Francisco Moncion, dancer
1922 - William Schallert, actor (Patty Duke Show, Get Smart), born in Los Angeles, California
1923 - Cathy O'Donnell, Siluria AL, actress (Miniver Story, Man from Laramie)
1923 - Marie McDonald, Burgin KY, singer/actress (Promises Promises)
1923 - Wojciech Jaruzelski, Polish general/pres (1989-90), born in Karow, (d. 2014)
1924 - Robert Michael White, test pilot (X-15), born in NYC, New York
1925 - Bill Haley, Highland Park Mich, rock vocalist (Rock Around the Clock)
1925 - Huub H Jacobse, member of Dutch 2nd chamber (Liberal)
1925 - Merv Griffin, San Mateo California, TV host (Merv Griffin Show)
1926 - Nicky Hilton, 1st husband of Elizabeth Taylor
1927 - Charles Whittenberg, composer
Actress Janet LeighActress Janet Leigh (1927) 1927 - Janet Leigh, [Jeanetta Morrison], Merced CA, actress (Psycho), (d. 2004)
1927 - Pat Paulsen, Wash, comedian/pres candidate (Smothers Bros Show)
1927 - Susan Cabot, actress (Carnival Rock), born in Boston, Massachusetts
1927 - [Jan] Hein Donner, Dutch chess master
1927 - Nilo Soruco, Bolivian songwriter (d. 2004)
1929 - Gerd Zacher, composer
1930 - Francoise Mallet-Joris, [F Lilar], Belgian writer (Signs & Wonders)
1930 - H J Heise, writer
1931 - Donal Donnelly, Bradford Yorkshire England, actor (Dead)

Famous Weddings

Weddings 1 - 13 of 13
Composer Pyotr Ilyich TchaikovskyComposer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1877) 1877 - Composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (37) weds Antonina Miliukova (29) at the Church of Saint George in Moscow, Russia
1893 - British Prince George Duke of York (later George V) marries Princess Victoria of Teck (Queen Mary) at St James's Palace
1953 - "James Bond" actor Roger Moore (25) weds Welsh singer Dorothy Squires (38) in Jersey City
1956 - Journalist Ben Bradlee (34) weds Antoinette Pinchot
1966 - American science fiction writer "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" Philip K Dick marries 4th wife Nancy Hackett
1968 - US Army General Norman Schwarzkopf Jr (33) weds Brenda Halsinger
1971 - ABBA member Bjorn Ulvaeus (26) weds fellow singer Agnetha Faltskog (21)
1973 - "The Avengers" actress Diana Rigg (35) weds Israeli painter Menachen Gueffen (43)
1978 - Country singer Tammy Wynette (36) weds record producer George Richey (42) in Florida
Folk Singer Mary TraversFolk Singer Mary Travers (1991) 1991 - Folk singer Mary Travers (54) weds restaurateur Ethan Robbins
2006 - "National Treasure" director Jon Turteltaub (42) weds co-founder of Creative Visions Foundation Amy Eldon at Saddlerock Ranch and Vineyard in Malibu, California
2013 - Actress Elisha Cuthbert (30) weds ice hockey player Dion Phaneuf at St James Catholic Church in Summerfield, Canada
2014 - Talent manager Scooter Braun (33) weds philanthropist Yael Cohen (28) in Whistler, British Columbia

Famous Divorces

Divorces 1 - 2 of 2
Actress Bette DavisActress Bette Davis (1960) 1960 - Actress Bette Davis (52) divorces actor Gary Merrill (46) after almost 10 years of marriage
2009 - Actress Rachael Bella (25) divorces "Terminator 2" actor Eddie Furlong (31) due to irreconcilable differences after 3 years of marriage

Famous Deaths

Deaths 1 - 100 of 119
1189 - Henry II, King of England (1154-89), dies at 56
1218 - Eudes III, Duke of Burgundy (b. 1166)
1415 - Jan Hus, Bohemian reformer (b. 1369), burned for heresy by the Church at Constance, Germany
1476 - Regiomontanus, [Johannes Muller of Königsberg], German astronomer (b. 1436)
1480 - Antonio Squarcialupi, composer, dies at 64
1533 - Ludovico Ariosto, Italian poet (Orlando Furioso), dies at 57
1535 - Sir Thomas More, philosopher, author (Utopia) and statesman, executed (beheaded) for treason at 57
1553 - Edward VI Tudor, King of England (1547-53), dies at 15
1568 - Johann Oporinus, Swiss book publisher/publisher, dies at 61
1583 - Edmund Grindal, English bishop of London/archbhp of York, dies at 64
1585 - Thomas Aufield, English Catholic martyr (b. 1552)
1587 - Michael Lauterbeck, assassinated Fries viceroy Willem Louis, executed
1684 - Peter Gunning, English royalist churchman (b. 1614)
1734 - Nicolas Bernier, composer, dies at 69
1758 - George Howe, 3rd Viscount Howe, British general
1765 - Ferdinand Zellbell, composer, dies at 76
1768 - Conrad Johann Conrad Beissel, composer, dies at 78
1795 - Georg Gottfried Petri, composer, dies at 79
1802 - Daniel Morgan, American Revolutionary general and politician (b. ~1735)
1809 - Antoine Charles Louis Lasalle, French cavalry general (b. 1775)
1813 - Granville Sharp, British abolitionist (b. 1735)
1816 - Philipp Meissner, composer, dies at 67
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States John MarshallChief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States John Marshall (1835) 1835 - John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States, dies of 79
1854 - Georg Ohm, German physicist and mathematician (Ohm's law), dies at 65
1858 - Jan Emmanuel Dulezalek, composer, dies at 78
1860 - Alexandre Edouard Goria, composer, dies at 37
1863 - Strong Vincent, US Union brig-general, dies
1864 - Samuel Allen Rice, US Union brig-gen, dies of injuries at 36
1868 - Samuel Lover, composer, dies at 71
1868 - Sanosuke Harada, Shinsengumi Captain (b. 1840)
1871 - Antonio de Castro Alves, Brazilian poet (O navio negreiro), dies at 34
1879 - Henry Thomas Smart, composer, dies at 65
1893 - Guy de Maupassant, French author (b. 1850)
1896 - Alexander Sergeyevich Famintsin, composer, dies at 54
1901 - Prince Chlodwig zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Chancellor of Germany (b. 1819)
1902 - Leopoldo Miguez, composer, dies at 51
1907 - August Johann Gottfried Bielenstein, German Linguist, Theologian (b. 1826)
1914 - Delmira Augustini, Uruguayan poet, murdered at 27
1916 - Odilon Redon, French painter (b. 1840)
1918 - Count von Mirbach, German ambassador to Moscow, dies
1922 - Maria Theresa Ledochowska, Polish-Austrian Catholic nun (b. 1863)
1932 - Kenneth Grahame, English author (b. 1859)
1933 - Robert Kajanus, composer, dies at 76
1934 - Warden Uncle, [Edward Vermeulen], Flemish landlord/writer, dies at 73
1950 - Fats Navarro, American jazz trumpet player (b. 1923)
1951 - Josef Huttel, composer, dies at 57
1952 - Louis-Alexandre Taschereau, French Canadian politician (b. 1867)
1954 - Dirk Verbeek, actor/director (Hofstad Stage), dies at 70
1955 - Paolo Gallico, composer, dies at 87
1959 - George Grosz, German cartoonist/painter (Ecce Homo), dies at 65
1960 - Aneurin Bevan, British politician (b. 1897)
1961 - Cuno Amiet, Swiss painter, dies at 93
1961 - Enrique Larreta, [E Rodriguez Maza], Argentine diplomat/writer, dies
1961 - Scott LaFaro, American musician (b. 1936)
1961 - Woodall Rodgers, American politician (b. 1890)
Author and Nobel Laureate William FaulknerAuthor and Nobel Laureate William Faulkner (1962) 1962 - William Faulkner, US author (Nobel 1949), dies at 64
1962 - Archduke Joseph August of Austria, Austrian field marshal (b. 1872)
1962 - Georg, Duke of Mecklenburg, head of the House of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (b. 1899)
1966 - Anne Nagel, dies of cancer at 50
1966 - Sad Sam Jones, American baseball player (b. 1892)
1970 - Marjorie Rambeau, dies at 80
1971 - Horst Lange, writer, dies at 66
1971 - Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong, jazz musician (Hello Dolly), dies at 71
1971 - Thomas C Heart, US admiral/commander (Asiatic fleet), dies
1971 - Louis Armstrong, American jazz trumpeter and singer, dies at 69
1972 - Brandon De Wilde, actor (Jamie), dies at 30 in a car crash
1972 - Sam de Grasse, dies at 97
1972 - Vincent Valentine, WI cricket pace bowler (England 1933), dies
Jazz Musician Louis ArmstrongJazz Musician Louis Armstrong (1971) 1973 - Joe E Brown, comedian, dies after long illness at 80
1973 - Otto Klemperer, German/US conductor, dies at 88
1973 - Patrick McVey, actor (Manhunt, Big Town), dies at 63
1974 - Carlos Isamitt, composer, dies at 87
1975 - Otto Skorzeny, German/Austrian SS (Mussolini/Ardennen), dies
1975 - Ruffian, American racehorse (b. 1972)
1976 - Fritz Lenz, German geneticist (b. 1887)
1977 - Oedoen Partos, composer, dies at 69
1979 - Van McCoy, singer/songwriter (Hey Mr DJ, Hustle), dies at 35
1980 - Gail Patrick, actress (My Man Godfrey), dies of leukemia at 69
1982 - Russell Thorson, actor (One Man's Family), dies at 72
1982 - Bob Johnson, American baseball player (b. 1905)
1986 - Jagjivan Ram, Indian politician (b. 1908)
1989 - Janos Kádár, premier of Hungary (1956-58), dies at 77
1990 - Jim Samuels, comedian, dies of spinal meningitis at 41
1990 - Paul Wynne, KGO-TV SF reporter, dies of AIDS at 46
1990 - Nathaniel Wyeth, American chemist and inventor (created PET plastic beverage bottle), dies at 78
1991 - Thorley Walters, actor (Trog, Edwardians, Daisy), dies at 78
1991 - Muda Lawal, Nigerian footballer (b. 1954)
1992 - Edgardo Pallero, Argentina producer (Los hijos de fierro), dies
1993 - Ruth Lady Fermoy, maternal grandmother of Princess Diane, dies at 84
1994 - Cameron Mitchell, actor (High Chapparral), dies of lung cancer at 75
1994 - Geoffrey McQueen, TV writer, dies at 46
1995 - Aziz Nesin, writer, dies at 79
1995 - Helene Johnson, poet, dies at 87
1995 - Ivor Keys, musician/teacher, dies at 76
1996 - John Sturdy, scholar, dies at 62
1996 - Kathy Ahern, American golfer (b. 1949)
1998 - Roy Rogers, American actor (b. 1911)
1999 - Carl Gunter Jr, American politician (b. 1938)
1999 - Joaquin Rodrigo, Spanish composer (b. 1901)
1999 - Barry Winchell, American soldier (b. 1977)
06 Jul 2015

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